The Creative Toolkit for Marketers

How Do I Know if VMG Studios is Not the Right Fit for Me?

Written by Chelsea Sassara | February 8, 2021 5:42:10 PM Z

Somewhere in your search for a creative marketing agency, video production studio, or anything in between, you’ve stumbled on VMG Studios.


Let me be the first to say welcome!


We’re glad you’ve found our company in your search for creative content services whether it’s video, animation, design, e-learning, or more. If you’ve done a little bit of research about VMG Studios on our website or social media channels, you might be considering hiring us as your creative content supplier.


Maybe our animation projects really stood out to you. Or maybe you love the fact that we have our own studio space and production team. Maybe you found us through our learning hub, and you’re interested in implementing a content marketing strategy for your company. Whatever the reason, it’s important to ensure VMG Studios aligns with your brand’s needs, expectations, and values.


One of VMG’s values is transparency, so we try to provide clear details as to what a successful partnership with us looks like. We also value the time of everyone involved in a new project opportunity including you, as a prospective client, and our team.


With that said, we wanted to provide important and digestible information to help guide your decision on whether to move forward with VMG Studios, and that is why we wrote this article. If we’re not the right fit, that’s okay! There are no hard feelings. If we are the right fit, we look forward to hearing more about your project needs. So, let’s dive in.


What Does VMG Studios Do?

If you haven’t had a chance to look through our website, here’s a quick breakdown of who we are and what we do at VMG Studios.


VMG Studios is a hybrid creative marketing agency and video production studio. We specialize in producing targeted multi-media content for enterprise corporations that drives awareness. 


Our services include:


If you want to take a deep dive into our service offerings, we have an entire article on the topic.


How to Tell If VMG Studios is the Right Fit

1. Project Type

While we offer a variety of services, it doesn’t necessarily mean we do everything. We primarily specialize in marketing and corporate content, both internal and external.


Here’s a sampling of some of the services we do provide:

Explainer videos Case studies & testimonials
Podcasts Product videos
Commercials Social media content
Banner ads Training videos
Website design PowerPoint design
Go-to-market campaigns Content marketing

We could go on and on about the project types we do support, but it’ll likely be more beneficial to outline ones we don’t.


Project/service types we don’t support:

  • Wedding content

Since we offer both videography and photography, we’ve had several people reach out asking if we cover weddings. VMG is a B2B company, meaning we work with other companies and not individual people (or couples), and we also focus on marketing and corporate content.


  • Music videos

We are big music aficionados here at VMG (or Director of Photography, Hunter, is in a band!), but we do not produce content for music videos. While we don’t take on music video projects, people have rented out our studio space before for music video shoots before.


  • Feature-length movies or TV shows

Whether it’s live-action or animation, we do not produce feature-length movies or TV series. However, we can support longer format video content including interview-style case studies.


  • VMG staff-led instruction/courses

We are passionate about educating our clients and others about our expertise as evident throughout our extensive learning hub, however, we do not teach formal courses on how to animate, design, or become a cinematographer. Our creative team members went through years of schooling and training to become the animators, graphic designers, and production gurus they are today. One of our animators has even taught classes at a local college. So, while we support your endeavors to learn these creative skills, we do not offer classes.


Also, we will not help you with homework assignments that are related to our services 😉


  • Media buys

Our services include marketing strategy and deployment, such as using targeted messaging to reach an intended audience and offering recommendations on platform deployment. While we offer these recommendations, we do not take part in the purchasing of ad space. We do have strategic partnerships we can leverage for media buying, but if you have a piece of content that is produced and ready for deployment, we wouldn’t be the right fit for finding that media buying placement.


Understanding the project support you need will help inform whether or not VMG is the right fit.


2. Budget

Besides project type, an impactful consideration in determining if VMG Studios is the best creative partner is budget. With transparency in mind, VMG primarily supports enterprise corporations. Some of our notable clients include Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, and Starbucks.


We do also support larger non-profit organizations and mid-to to high-level organizations, such as Accolade, Fifth Third Bank, and Bloodworks Northwest.


Due to the variety of clients we work with and the project types we produce, we look for ways to support companies across several industries and sizes. With that said, we admit that we don’t often partner with non-funded startups or mom-and-pop-type businesses primarily due to budgetary and timeline restraints.


Our pricing is determined per project and influenced by a number of factors, but here is a general overview of how much a live-action or animated video costs.



You can also learn more about the cost of graphic design assets through our in-depth article.


3. Culture Fit 

Here at VMG Studios, we strive on creating collaborative, working relationships with our clients. We look to be more than just a vendor or supplier. We want to be a partner and seen as an extension of your department. Therefore, it’s important that our company values and culture align with yours.


Our team at VMG is transparent, authentic, passionate, flexible, innovative, and has integrity. You can get to know our team better by watching our “meet the team” videos as well as by following up on social media.


Besides learning more about the people behind VMG Studios, it’s also important to understand how to work with an agency like VMG. We’ve outlined the basics of how to work with an agency, so you can determine if our workflow meets your expectations.



Moving Forward with VMG Studios

If you’re interested in hiring VMG Studios as your creative content supplier after reviewing this article, we are excited to learn more about your project opportunities. We’d love to set up an introductory planning conversation to see where we can support you.


If we aren’t the right fit, that’s okay! We understand that we can’t support every single creative project. When looking for a creative marketing agency or video production studio, remember to consider the following while researching:

  • Project/service type: does the agency produce the type of content you’re looking for?
  • Budget: does their current client list align with your business? Do they have resources online that offer pricing options?
  • Culture fit: do their mission and values align with yours?


Take your creative content to the next level with the right agency that will shepherd you each step of the way.


To find creative inspiration in animation, design, social media, and video, click the image below to download the free eBook, Top Creative Trends of 2021!